
We have several different types of volunteer opportunities available. If you would like to volunteer, please call our center at: 301-984-7765, or email us at mawctr@verizon.net.

Lunch Assistance  - help serve lunch during the hours of 11:30 - 1:00pm to our clients. We could use your help simply for once a week, once a month, or even one time only. We serve lunch every day, 365 days a year Sunday through Saturday.

Art and Crafts  - do you have a special talent that you would like to share with others? Our clients are interested in learning new things and using their creativity. Painting, coloring, drawing or knitting are some of the activities that you could help with.

Office Work  - help us stay organized, we are always in need of assistance to keep our files organized and our center running.

Computer Tutoring  - help us to teach computer skills to our consumers, we have several computers available and if you have skills and interest we could always use your help working with our consumers.

Transportation Services  - we are in need of service to delivery and pick up many items for the center, from grocery items to storage items, or staff transportation during winter weather.

Teaching Classes  - do you have a special skill that you would like to share with our consumers, beautification, nails, financial management, or other topics.

Visiting and Playing Games  - our clients could use a visit from a friend, they may like to play a game on the weekend with you or you could lead a round of bingo.

Committee Projects  - We are currently looking for committee members to help execute our strategic plan. If you are interested in working with fundraising, finance, marketing, or have other business skills you would like to share, please contact our center at: 301-984-7765, or email us at mawctr@verizon.net.